Our Recommendations
There are literally thousands of books on technical analysis out there. Sorting out the truly great books from the rest can take weeks (or months!). That is why John Murphy and the pros at StockCharts.com have created this bookstore. It's a place where you will find only the absolute best books on the various aspects of stock charting. Most of these books we own and use frequently in our work. If you are serious about charting, you should consider adding many of these books to your personal library.
If you want one book that explains it all
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets, by John Murphy
If you want to learn why stock charting is so valuable
The Visual Investor, by John Murphy
If you want to learn about candlestick charts
Candlestick Charting Explained, by Greg Morris
If you want to learn about technical indicators
Technical Analysis from A to Z, by Steve Achelis
- OR -
You can check out our ChartWatcher's Product Bundle - the four recommended books listed above for 36% off the retail price!